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REAL Health Program in Your Own Home!
Health Expert David Snieckus Offers REAL Health Program in Your Own Home!

September 18, 2007 – Newton, MA. According to “The Boston Paradox”, researchers for the New England Healthcare Institute, released in June, 2007, “we have lots of healthcare, but no health.” Numerous scientists and medical researchers have repeatedly pointed their finger for our sickness to the food we eat.

Bottom line….Health is largely determined by what we eat everyday.

Many reputable organizations, such as The American Cancer Society and The American Heart Association, and many popular books, such as The China Study, The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted, by Professor Emeritus, T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell II, and Ending the Food Fight, Guide Your Child to a Healthy Weight in a Fast Food/Fake Food World, by David Ludwig, M.D., Ph.D., say that we can dramatically reduce the risk of disease by eating a plant-based diet.

Some of the benefits of eating a plant-based diet are:

· Reduced risk of chronic disease
· Normal weight
· Best chance for optimal health and longevity
· A more harmonious state of being
· Environmentally friendly
Eating natural whole plant-based foods is not only energy efficient nutrition, it connects us to Nature! When we eat foods that have undergone the process of photosynthesis, when sunlight combines with water and minerals to grow a living plant, we connect to a vital, life-giving force, not available from processed foods.

Cooking or preparing natural whole plant-based foods in our own kitchens is the one simple thing each individual can do every day to prevent and reverse illness and optimize health and well-being. As we become proficient at selecting, balancing, and preparing such foods, we become our own doctors, healers and health care providers.

Furthermore, learning about the best and healthiest foods to eat is the best healthcare reform. As we optimize our health through the food we eat, we become part of the solution in reducing healthcare costs.

David Snieckus, one of the nation’s leading macrobiotic experts with over 30 years of experience, has helped hundreds heal themselves using easy to comprehend principles. His specialty is helping individuals establish a foundation of health in their own homes through a one to three day program on how to establish optimal health. Through one-on-one consultations and teachings about ancient principles and the proper selection, cooking and eating of natural whole plant-based foods, David can help you launch your path to optimum health.

Mr. Snieckus’ vision is every kitchen a wellness center and one peaceful and healthy world. He invites and welcomes everyone and anyone to be a part of that vision.

For more information, call for the no-obligation program outline and references at 617-964-2951, or visit:

David Snieckus, a graduate of the world renowned Kushi Institute, is the primary sponsor of House Bill 2841 which calls for the removal of the tax exemption of processed food.
David Snieckus
99 Crescent Street
Newton, MA 02466