David Snieckus is a graduate of the world renowned Kushi Institute, and has been practicing Macrobiotics since 1977. His passion is to share his knowledge and experience, invoke self-awareness, and empower individuals to experience optimum health, well-being, and happiness through the understanding and practical application of Macrobiotics, particularly as it applies to the proper selection, cooking, and eating of healthy, wholesome foods.
David's vision is “every kitchen a wellness center” and one peaceful and healthy world.
About Macrobiotics
Derived from the Greek terms "Macro" for large or great, and "Bios" for life, Macrobiotics is an ancient philosophy of a natural and holistic way of life for humanity according to the natural order of the infinite universe. This order manifests itself into complementary and antagonistic energies in the form of yin (expanding) and yang (contracting) energies.
The practice of Macrobiotics is based on the understanding and practical application of this order as it pertains to our biological, psychological, social, and spiritual evolution. This begins with proper dietary practices, including the selection, preparation, and manner of eating our daily foods. Ultimately, it results in a shift in consciousness toward optimum health and a peaceful, harmonious state of being.
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About Macrobiotic Food
Our abilities to think and act are greatly influenced by our state of physical and mental health, which has as its foundation the food we cook and eat. The foods used in Macrobiotic cooking are wholesome, all natural, harmonious with our bodies and environment, prepared in harmony with the season, as well as delicious!
As we master the art of selecting, combining, cooking and eating such foods, and come to understand the power of food in our lives, we learn to create the life and health we want.
Macrobiotics in general is the foundation of a long life and promotes a diet of eating grains, (such as brown rice, millet, quinoa, cous cous, mochi [sweet rice cubes or dumplings], seitan, whole-wheat noodles, sourdough bread, pasta salads, rice cakes, as well as other whole grains and grain products); beans and bean products (such as tofu, tempeh and miso); lots of fresh garden vegetables; sea vegetables (such as nori and wakame); and a small amount of fruit, nuts and seeds.
Macrobiotic-quality foods are organically grown as much as possible, naturally processed, and contain no sugar, dairy, white flour, chemicals or other harmful ingredients.