June 5th 2007
Here is the statement I made on June 5th at 10 a.m. in Room 222 on the second floor of the State House adjacent to the Hall of Flags and Nurses Hall.
"THANK YOU. I would like to thank Chairperson and State Senator Cynthia Stone Creem, all the members of the Revenue Committee, and fellow citizens of Massachusetts for hearing and supporting House Bill 2841.
My name is David Snieckus and I have been in-volved with promoting nourishing whole food as a way to maintain optimal health for over 25 years and I am here to present House Bill 2841 which would:
1. Generate much needed revenue.
2. Create thousands of NEW jobs.
3. Address the epidemic of various chronic illnesses
4. Reduce the spiraling health care costs in Massachusetts.
I think we could all agree that one of the primary causes of these spiraling health care costs is an unhealthy general public over-utilizing the health care system.
House Bill 2841 provides a solution. Allow me to explain.
I think we could all agree that there is a direct relationship between the food we eat and our health. For scientific evidence, read The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M. Campbell, II, the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted. The study concludes that a plant-based diet is the healthiest.
CURRENTLY: All food for human consumption is exempt from taxation, except alcohol and restaurant and take-out meals.
House Bill 2841 would remove that exemption for processed foods, including genetically modified foods, while maintaining the exemption for organic whole foods.
Passage of House Bill 2841 would:
Generate needed revenue to the State which I suggest not only pay for the healthcare costs in various municipalities, but be invested in whole foods businesses (such as Organic Farmers, Organic Food Wholesalers, and Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs)), as well as worthwhile causes that promote health, such as the education and training of citizens on how to select, cook and eat nourishing whole foods.
Create thousands of NEW jobs in the whole health foods industry.
Promote optimal health by empowering citizens of Massachusetts to make healthy food choices, resulting in greater health.
Reduce the spiraling health care costs in Massachusetts by reducing the general public’s need for health care, namely doctor’s visits, drugs and medications…over the long term.
5. Further our planet’s health and well-being.
I would like to hand in to the Revenue Committee members individually addressed copies of a more detailed summary presentation and explanation of this House Bill 2841.
Thank You."
David Snieckus
99 Crescent Street
Newton, MA 02466