December 5th 2008
Macrobiotics is:
· A Word
· An Encompassing Philosophy
· A Belief System
· An Understanding
· A Way of Life
· A Diet
· A Study of how Mother Nature works
· Getting a grip on understanding Love
· A Study of Yin and Yang
· A comprehension of a “greater life”!
· The Order of the Universe!
The word, “Macrobiotics”, comes from the Greek terms: “makro” meaning large, great or long, and “bios” meaning life. Our study of macrobiotics is our individual journey towards understanding this “great life”.
Macrobiotics is known as the art and science of health and longevity. It is a natural and holistic system, which encompasses the relationships and effects of diet, lifestyle, and environment. Macrobiotics provides a comprehensive and effective approach towards establishing and maintaining improved physical, mental and spiritual health.
The principles in macrobiotics as we know it today have been known to physicians, scholars, and philosophers throughout history, in both eastern and western traditions. Hippocrates, the father of western medicine, stated: "Let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy food."
Kushi Institute founder and preeminent macrobiotic authority Michio Kushi first learned of macrobiotics in Japan through his studies with macrobiotic teacher, writer and philosopher George Ohsawa. During his lifetime, Mr. Ohsawa traveled extensively, promoting the macrobiotic approach to health and healing, and published more than 300 books and papers that combined his views of traditional methods of improving health and well-being from western and eastern approaches.
Mr. Kushi has continuously expanded and developed macrobiotic understanding for over the past 50 years. Living in the United States during this time gave him the opportunity to adjust and modify the macrobiotic approach to best suit the American population.
Contrary to common opinion, macrobiotics is not simply a "diet" or "what some people do when they are diagnosed with cancer" though this is often the first step for many. Countless thousands of individuals have used macrobiotics to support their successful recovery from a wide range of illness including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, digestive disorders, and many other health problems.
Macrobiotics is a holistic and natural lifestyle, which addresses not only diet, but also all areas of one's life. The dietary component of macrobiotics is based on traditional dietary patterns, and emphasizes the use of whole foods such as whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Many scientific studies have proven the health benefits of foods used in macrobiotic cuisine. Other areas addressed in macrobiotics include physical activity and mental outlook.
Like any other practice, macrobiotics is best and most easily learned under the guidance of experienced teachers, as each human being has a unique set of health conditions and issues. Macrobiotic counselor, David Snieckus, gives general macrobiotic guidelines for each individual during private counseling sessions. David’s week long Macrobiotic Consultation and Recipe workshop is a comprehensive, introductory program that gives students the knowledge and skills necessary to begin the macrobiotic way of life. This life-changing seminar is also helpful for individuals who are currently healthy and wish to optimize and maintain their good health.
Do the learning process of what I have been taught and what I know from experience as well as finding out for yourself! Call 617-964-2951 for that free initial interview!
Enjoy the rest of your life.